DC Ed Fund Event

Standing Ovation 2022

On October 27, 2022 we honored the achievements of DCPS teachers, leaders, and school communities.

What is Standing Ovation?

Standing Ovation is a yearly event to celebrate the entire community of DC educators and present top performers with awards and cash prizes.

Make a nomination

Know someone in the DCPS community who should be recognized for their hard work? Submit your nomination and we’ll follow up with them to complete a full application.


CityBridge Education

Flamboyan Foundation

Pepco, An Exelon Company


Mark & Sally Ein Foundation

The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation


Arnold & Porter


Washington Gas

W.K. Kellogg Foundation



Andy & Julie Klingenstein

Bill & Amalie Reichblum


Give Better Group

Kevin Downey & Michele Jolin

Lori & Benjamin Soto

One Table Strategies

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